My great granddad came to this country from France at the age of fourteen. The only English word my Papa Conort knew was "eggs," guess you know what he ate a lot of for a while. He was here on a work visa, coal miner he was. He eventually went through citizenship classes and held up his hand and promised allegiance to our flag and to his new nation. A few years after his arrival my granddad was born, then a generation later my Mom and them me. Since that time I have had children and they have had children, but our beginnings were somewhere in France.
My great grandmother was born in Italy. She also came to this country as a teenager with her husband who came on a work visa. Married at thirteen (can you imagine that today?) she eventually also became an American citizen. My grandmother was born then my Mom. Both Papa and Maw never spoke very good English, I know some of you that know me are thinking that explains a lot! Maw spoke fluid Italian, my grandmother could understand it and spoke some, my Mom much less, I can curse in Italian, which can come in handy (just kidding) and my children do not know any Italian words that I know of. The recipes are still with us as real Italian Spaghetti is nothing like Olive Garden, but mostly the heritage has been lost through the generations.
I share my story just to let you know that I like most of you are products of someone who came from somewhere seeking a better life. Both my great grandparents came here legally. They both had to go through what was required for citizenship and they were both proud Americans. Most of the folks that are coming from other nations now seek the same things that my ancestors sought, they desire the opportunity to have a better life. Some are here for purposes not as noble whether that be illegal drug trafficking or to do harm to our nation.
What concerns me is that we seem to either go way one way or the other. Either we "want to send them all back" which if we went back a few generations would get us all. Or we want to allow anyone to come here in any way they may choose without any repercussions if they chose an illegal route to get here.
Sometimes I get amused because my conservative friends think I have gone "liberal" and my liberal friends are sure I am ultra conservative. I like to think I am fair minded. If our immigration laws are such that "good" people who just want the opportunity to work hard and make a life for themselves are having trouble getting through the bureaucracy to make that happen then we need to change the laws to give them the same opportunities my Papa and Maw had. If people choose to ignore the laws of our land then they need to face the same consequences that any of us face when we violate the law. I am for immigration let's just make it legal. That's my opinion I would love to hear yours!