Lately I have had several people express this thought. There have been earthquakes of unheard of magnitudes, oil prices that potentially could change lifestyles, colder than normal winters, hotter than normal summers, uprisings in country after country and the list goes on. Pastor do you think the end is near is often how people ask the question. They then point to scriptures that speak of wars and rumors of wars and to the predictions of "earthquakes in many places," and to the comments from Paul that in the end humankind will advance in knowledge to a degree that is unprecedented in world history. Well certainly all of that has happened. But when you boil it all down the most important thing to remember are these words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 24...
42 “So you, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know what day your Lord is coming. 43 Understand this: If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he would keep watch and not permit his house to be broken into. 44 You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.
So my best advice for all of God's children is simply this, live in a constant state of readiness whether that be leaving this world by death or by the coming of our Lord. Live every day as if this may be your last. Loving the people that are important in your life and telling them you do each day, sharing faith with anyone that the Lord opens a door for you to do so as if it may be their last opportunity for who knows if it is or not. Trying to live without regret and living everyday with the great hope that is ours in Christ. Our concern should not be "if" the world will end soon but "how" have we lived this life given to each of us. If we hear the words "well done good and faithful servant" it really doesn't matter what the date of our Lord's return is only that we are ready when He does return.
I love the last paragraph, Pastor Robin. It encourages me to spend more time living life to the fullest for and through Him than calculating the exact time of His return. The truth is this: we have always been living in the "end times" since Jesus was crucified.