Pastor does all of these weather deasters mean that the end of the world is near? Does the Bible not predict earthquakes and famines and wars and rumors of wars? What should I do? These are questions that are being asked all across the globe right now. Back in March we discussed these things in this space. But today I want to take a different approach to this subject. If we think Jesus is coming soon should we not be about our Father's business? If we simply believe that at the end of this life here on this planet there awaits an eternity that we will all face should we not be about the task of telling people about the love and grace of God?
I think what bothers me the most during these times of turmoil where people begin to be "concerned" about the end is why are these times different than any other times? Seldom does a week go by that someone we know, who knows someone, who get the picture...tells us about a tragedy of some nature. Maybe it is a terrible car wreck, or an accident on the water, or a bad doctors report. The point is this, people are leaving this world and facing eternity everyday. As followers of Jesus, those who believe He is the Way the Truth and the Life, should we not be concerned about the end of these people's world?
Stop worrying if the world is coming to an end and start being motivated to tell this world about a God who loved them so much that He gave His only Son to die in their stead! That is a story worth repeating, a witness worth sharing and a proclamation that will change everything!
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