Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Last night here in Springville, Alabama the winds blew. At times the lights blinked but never stayed out for very long. The satellite dish would go out and have to "reboot" as they say, which was annoying as I tried to watch the worst shooting NCAA Final in history. Yet this morning all was calm and cool. The winds had disappeared or more correctly gone somewhere else to blow.

Those fronts that pass by weather wise remind me of life in general. There are calm and cool days, days that do not produce any earth shaking memorable events. I guess you would call them normal if there really is such a thing. You know you get up read the paper or for you young ones check out the net; you eat a bite, shower, and go to work or school. Then there are days that are memorable. Some of these are remembered because towers got flown into by planes or presidents got shot by assassins or space shuttles blew up as they took off. Others are memorable because your team won the national championship or you got that job you wanted or you got accepted into that school you applied to or that girl you love said yes she will marry you.

For those of us who are Christians the challenge is to live all of these days in faithfulness. For we believe God is God on all of these days. The "good days and bad ones." For you see the wind is always blowing somewhere, this morning it is just blowing east of here and someone Else's lights are blinking. There is always someone who is happy about the yes they received from their girlfriend and the wedding date set for the future. So here is the key, seek first His Kingdom and then regardless of what today may bring your anchor will hold.

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