Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why Pray?

I often get asked this question, why pray? I mean if God knows all that is going to happen, if He even knows what I am going to ask Him before I do, why pray? My wife often responds to some question I pose to her, well you know the answer to that before I answer, as if I should be some type of psychic. But you know most of the time she is correct I do know what she is going to say. We have been together for so long that I know her. I know her sad faces, excited faces and confused ones. I know what she loves, what she fears, what she dreams about, I know her. How do I know her so well? I know her because we spend a lot of time together. You see we are one of those old fashion couples who truly like being with each other.

The same is true with God I get to know Him by spending time with Him. I do this by spending time in His Word and by spending time in prayer. You see I think most of us think that prayer is simply us putting in our wish list or concerns for others in front of the Master. But prayer is God speaking to us. God may know what I am going to ask or request or tell Him about but I am afraid I am not that knowledgeable concerning Him or the future. There are times I really need guidance that goes beyond what I know from His Word. There are times I need to know how to apply that Word to this particular situation.

So don't think prayer is a waste of time, in fact many people's time on this planet is wasted because they don't pray.

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