Thursday, August 4, 2011

Debt We Cannot Pay

I have spent probably far too much time in the last week or so listening to debates concerning our national debt. I am not really sure I even know what a trillion is. Both parties seem convinced that their approach is the correct one and neither party seemed happy with the outcome.

This issue made me think about another unpayable debt called sin. This is a debt we all owe according to scripture, for all have sinned and fallen short of God's standard and there are none righteous among humanity, no not one. Yet we too desire to argue the impending danger. "Well I am a good person" some will say. " I am a much better person than..." others will argue. "I just do not understand why we have to talk about sin and hell and blood that was shed have we not progressed beyond that?"

Much like our representatives we would much rather ignore the issue and continue down the same path we are on telling everyone that it will be alright and we can have our cake and eat it too. But sometimes the reality of the truth intersects with life itself and we are forced to face the truth. So here it is! There is a debt called sin you cannot pay and a solution named Jesus that has paid your debt if you will receive His offer, and no there is not any other solution, so the choice is yours. My prayer is that you will receive with thanksgiving the great gift of Christ and live with gratitude in the freedom only He can give!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Aging Parents

I apologize for not posting anything for a few days now. My Dad has been ill. My Dad has always been a very strong man. Even into his seventies I have seen him lift things that I could not budge. But in the last months my Dad has become frail and weak and it has truthfully been difficult to watch. Once again the truth that these bodies will return to the dust from which they were created has been forced to the front of my mind. What was once young and strong becomes old and weak; the one who cared for you becomes the one that depends upon you. I am comforted by these words...

Isaiah 46:4 (NIV)
Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will
sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will
sustain you and I will rescue you.

It is comforting to know that our God goes with us even to our last day on this
planet. I am praying for my Dad to recover and have quality days ahead. I must
admit that there is selfishness involved, I do not want to lose him even though I
am confident that God has a place prepared for him. But also I hurt for my
Mom they have been married 63 years and she would be lost without him. But
Dad can claim this verse...

Psalm 71:17 (NIV)
Since my youth, O God, you have taught me, and to this day I
declare your marvelous deeds.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Balanced View of Immagration

My great granddad came to this country from France at the age of fourteen. The only English word my Papa Conort knew was "eggs," guess you know what he ate a lot of for a while. He was here on a work visa, coal miner he was. He eventually went through citizenship classes and held up his hand and promised allegiance to our flag and to his new nation. A few years after his arrival my granddad was born, then a generation later my Mom and them me. Since that time I have had children and they have had children, but our beginnings were somewhere in France.

My great grandmother was born in Italy. She also came to this country as a teenager with her husband who came on a work visa. Married at thirteen (can you imagine that today?) she eventually also became an American citizen. My grandmother was born then my Mom. Both Papa and Maw never spoke very good English, I know some of you that know me are thinking that explains a lot! Maw spoke fluid Italian, my grandmother could understand it and spoke some, my Mom much less, I can curse in Italian, which can come in handy (just kidding) and my children do not know any Italian words that I know of. The recipes are still with us as real Italian Spaghetti is nothing like Olive Garden, but mostly the heritage has been lost through the generations.

I share my story just to let you know that I like most of you are products of someone who came from somewhere seeking a better life. Both my great grandparents came here legally. They both had to go through what was required for citizenship and they were both proud Americans. Most of the folks that are coming from other nations now seek the same things that my ancestors sought, they desire the opportunity to have a better life. Some are here for purposes not as noble whether that be illegal drug trafficking or to do harm to our nation.

What concerns me is that we seem to either go way one way or the other. Either we "want to send them all back" which if we went back a few generations would get us all. Or we want to allow anyone to come here in any way they may choose without any repercussions if they chose an illegal route to get here.

Sometimes I get amused because my conservative friends think I have gone "liberal" and my liberal friends are sure I am ultra conservative. I like to think I am fair minded. If our immigration laws are such that "good" people who just want the opportunity to work hard and make a life for themselves are having trouble getting through the bureaucracy to make that happen then we need to change the laws to give them the same opportunities my Papa and Maw had. If people choose to ignore the laws of our land then they need to face the same consequences that any of us face when we violate the law. I am for immigration let's just make it legal. That's my opinion I would love to hear yours!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What Does All the Violent Weather Mean?

Pastor does all of these weather deasters mean that the end of the world is near? Does the Bible not predict earthquakes and famines and wars and rumors of wars? What should I do? These are questions that are being asked all across the globe right now. Back in March we discussed these things in this space. But today I want to take a different approach to this subject. If we think Jesus is coming soon should we not be about our Father's business? If we simply believe that at the end of this life here on this planet there awaits an eternity that we will all face should we not be about the task of telling people about the love and grace of God?

I think what bothers me the most during these times of turmoil where people begin to be "concerned" about the end is why are these times different than any other times? Seldom does a week go by that someone we know, who knows someone, who get the picture...tells us about a tragedy of some nature. Maybe it is a terrible car wreck, or an accident on the water, or a bad doctors report. The point is this, people are leaving this world and facing eternity everyday. As followers of Jesus, those who believe He is the Way the Truth and the Life, should we not be concerned about the end of these people's world?

Stop worrying if the world is coming to an end and start being motivated to tell this world about a God who loved them so much that He gave His only Son to die in their stead! That is a story worth repeating, a witness worth sharing and a proclamation that will change everything!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The End of the World

Well today May 21st 2011 is suppose to be the last day on Earth as we know it, at least that is what someone is predicting. His prediction is suppose to be based upon Biblical calculations. I am not sure how he explains what Jesus said about no one knowing the day or the hour. But my point today is not whether or not he is right but rather how people respond to the fact that one day our Lord will indeed return. Now I personally do not claim to know when that day is, I just know that it will happen. I don't know if the rash of weather related events points to the end or not but I do know there will be an end.

Now if you are in Christ Jesus and you have trusted your soul to Him then it will be a glorious day inded. And the words of the Apostle ring throughout history "comfort one another with these words." If you are without Christ you should indeed be concerned for if you are "left behind" it will not be a place you desire to be. The people that cause me the most reflection are the ones who are storing up supplies for the end. Trust me there is not enough bottled water available. Think about it if you are storing up then you expect to be left and if you are, well supplies won't help. If you don't expect to be left then you don't need supplies, if you are not sure then take care of that now.

This line of logic adds meaning to what Jesus told his disciples about not taking anything with them when they went out to serve Him. If ever the saying you can't take it with you when you go had meaning it is today. So as I said to my Mom when I hung the phone up this morning, if we are still here I will call you tomorrow, if not see you on the other side! But now that I think about it that is always true is it not?

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Prophet and the King

I am patriotic. I admit it. I stand at ballgames when the National Anthem is played with hat in hand and hand over my heart. I get “chills” when that question is asked once more “does that star spangled banner yet wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave?” I cry when solders return home and hug their families; I cry even more when they don’t. I vote in every election considering it a dishonor to those who paid the ultimate price if I should choose not too. I am deeply American. But I am also a minister of the Gospel. And sometimes the truth of scripture comes in conflict with the policies of a nation. Sometimes “Kings” have to be confronted and reminded that there is a power greater than they and that they too are subject to God. From Isaiah to Jeremiah; from Amos to Nathan prophets stand before those in power and speak of the One who has all power. And it is not always popular. It is not always what the majority thinks, feels or even desires to hear. It causes kings like Ahab to call prophets like Elijah “my enemy.” From slavery to everyone’s right to vote despite their gender or wealth the church has led the way.

Now some say that because this is the role of the church that the church should avoid having any service that honors the nation. They certainly have a right to say that for democracy gives them that right. But I believe that supporting our nations heritage and calling its present leaders to biblical accountability do not have to be mutually exclusive. Without freedom I could not write this article. Without the God who granted that freedom it would not matter one-way or the other. In fact in many ways it was the church (people who loved God and sought freedom to express that love) that formed the nation, not a nation that formed the church. It is therefore the church’s role to lift up the biblical standard before each generation. Every person who has the privilege to hold office must be reminded “In God we trust.” Every person must be told once more that we are a “nation under God.” The prophet must not yield to the temptation of rubber- stamping the policies of the king, and the “king” must never yield to the temptation of believing his power to be without question or beyond reproach. In fact, as Christians, there is no better way to love our nation than to call it back to the God that allowed us to become a nation that stands from “sea to shining sea.”

This Memorial Day it is perfectly appropriate to remember those who gave their lives so that you and I could live, work and yes worship the God of our choosing. Democracy has allowed us to send prophets over seas and to be prophetic here at home. Remembering the men and women who gave their lives in no way honors the fallen nature that makes war a reality. It does honor the bravery it takes to risk and yes to even lay down one’s life for something greater than themselves. And prophets must always stand before those who send young men and women into battle to ask the difficult questions that cause one to question their motives for doing so. With great freedom comes great responsibility and with great responsibility all our leaders must be willing to bow down to the One who guides, leads and directs the hearts of those who love Him.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Disasters Bring Us Together

I, like many, have been amazed at the generosity of people that has poured out during these last few days. People both inside and outside the church have given. They have given their money, their time, and their talents. It has been expressed to me on more than one occasions with words similar to these, "I feel guilty for not having any damage when so many are hurting." Perhaps guilt is not the word that best expresses what people are feeling but to say the least we all wonder why not me, or why them, or why now. While those why questions may never be answered this I know, people have been confronted face to face with their mortality. Life truly can end in an instant, all that one knew as normal can be normal no more within a few seconds, and that my friend is scary, as they say, no matter who you are.

That is why the security of a relationship with Christ brings such peace and joy. For no matter what tomorrow may hold we know who holds tomorrow. My wife Luann and I had very little damage to our home, lost part of one tree. In fact all my immediate family were not harmed. My grandparents home had some damage. But as people have spoken to me about their guilt or fear or peace my mind has gone back to the night of July 1, 2008. On that night I had a heart attack. While being transported on a helicopter to the hospital I was amazed at the peace I felt. I can truly say fear was not part of what I felt. Only Christ can bring such peace.

My prayer is that this feeling of goodwill will last well into the future for these damaged homes and hearts will not heal soon. Thank all of you for being givers when so many have seen things that they cherished taken.